Labels:envelope | reckoner | sky OCR: this tssue of NautilusCD incorporgfes Valume 4-10 WindowsTm Edition several fixes to Among the other NautiustD things Startup it now yOuU to display.omecia extension ! custom viewer of your choice and Attention T you improves NautilustD' areo the ney taxt priating viewer asubscriber copahilties simpl of flow the installotion Sinstructions the NatlusCD inside Instentted MuutlusED hard drive HoutlusCD flap to: tun Startup the hookler. SETUPEXE You acconmpunying epplication to wall be Progrum instell YOUT the Manager Groun greated Users! Hyou this opduted also have new urea torun version: NaunilusCo current SETUPEXE still Sturtup suhseiber to instalf you application. walf with the of HavitiustD back to yarderto view issues of prior Vatume 4.8 you wilt need to Plerse and lerus your issue-of th ...